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Game Designer

This is a French puzzle game created, in three days, during the 15th game jam organized by the Game Dev Party Association at Lyon. 


The GameJam theme was "zero waste". This led me to the idea of a puzzle game where chemical reactions create waste. The player needs to create the right object without waste remaining on his chemical atelier.


You can click on the grimoire to play it!


Thanks to our team, the game evolved into a funny heroic-fantasy world where the player is an alchemist.


I had the chance to work with a more experienced Game Designer and learned a lot thanks to them. We wrote the game mechanics and puzzles together and I wrote the little story of the game.

Here are some documents that might interest you :

- The list of potions, written by Nicolas (co-game designer) and me.

- The various potions' tables, written by Nicolas and me.

- The puzzles list, written by Nicolas and me.

- The scenario and the advice you can find in game, written by me.


These are game jam documents, that was the first game design and narrative documents I wrote or partly wrote for the creation of a video game.

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